It’s very important to see the warm-up level and the seduction level as two SEPARATE things. A lot of men make a mistake here by trying to move in too fast – or trying to make HER move too fast.

The ideal date should START with simple, honest pleasures.
Think about the things you enjoyed on a trip out when you were a kid, before you knew what sex was. If you approach the date like this then the way the girl will see it is that you’re a nice, honest guy who can give her a good time without expecting anything in return.

Again, unlike what you might think, most girls won’t think you’re soft because you haven’t ‘tried it on’ on the first date. Plus, it’s much easier to give her a great date if you don’t move up to the seduction level until you’re completely ready. You’ll be much more relaxed and CONFIDENT if you’re not worrying about how you’ll perform later on.

Also remember, if you give her the perfect date she’ll want to see you again and again. This gives you a chance to score again and again – AND build a diary of live contacts who’ll be waiting to date you whenever you feel like it.

Here are some things you can do that will impress on a date :–

Call her unexpectedly just before the date – to remind her of the time and place. Girls worry about being stood up and if you do this she’ll jump to the conclusion that you really must care !

Change what you’re going to do at the last minute without telling her! Girls are turned on by surprises and men who do things on the spur of the moment. However , girls spend hours deciding what’s best to wear so don’t change from a posh restaurant date to a hike in the woods. Not unless you give her some warning .

BUT always PLAN what you’re doing. For example, if going to a restaurant make sure you know exactly how to get there, what’s on the menu – and what it is etc. This will make you look super-confident and with an exciting social life .

Get her a present. Chocolates and flowers are a bit boring – records, cuddly toys or bits of jewellery all impress. It needn’t be expensive. Believe it or not girls still go for this sort of thing in a big way so try it!

Always OFFER to pay if you’ve set up the date. But if she offers to pay for anything let her. Girls go for men who are big enough to let them pay .

Treat her like a person. You wouldn’t leave one of your mates waiting for you for an hour without a reason, so don’t do it with her .

Other girls are OFF LIMITS whilst on the date. You can’t kill two birds with one stone!

Finally, the odd kiss is fine but do nothing more until you reach the SEDUCTION LEVEL. Don’t mention sex in any way yet she’ll find it much sexier that you haven’t and it can even make her more interested in you.

Next : How To Get A Reputation As A Hot Date And Have Girls Queuing Up To Meet You

Special thanks to Kevin Gaynor for his valuable contribution

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