Probably the single best way to get a conversation going with girls is to use PEOPLE TALK. Girls are naturally nosy and natural gossips. (Just look at the gossip stories in the mags they read.) So your opening chat should be about people – YOU and YOURS, HER and HERS, THEM and THEIRS. 1 don’t know any girl who isn’t interested in this sort of thing ! Try and get the balance just right. Too much about her seems nosy. Too much about you and you could appear big-headed .

Here are some good other subjects to talk about

The News – Scandal and gossip stuff , not serious .
Well known people.

What NOT to say : Anything she’s unlikely to be interested in, e.g. football. No problems, moans or complaints. Stay away from those boring, worn-out openers like the time or the weather.

The next important technique you must use is to avoid asking her QUESTIONS which can be answered with ‘YES’ or ‘NO’. If she just answers ‘no’ and your nerve breaks then you’ve virtually blown it. It’s far better to say something to which she has to give a proper answer. Then USE THAT ANSWER TO BASE YOUR NEXT BIT OF CHAT ON. This way you should never be stuck for something to say because she will tell you what she wants to talk about without even realising it !

Next : 23 Pickup Lines That Work

Special thanks to Kevin Gaynor for his valuable contribution

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