The Trick of Talking Sex Through Stories

The Trick of Talking Sex Through Stories

With many women you can’t dive into the topic of sex directly. Sure, party girls often LIKE to hear you talk about sex as long as you’re totally relaxed about it, but with most average girls if you bring up the topic of sex directly too soon it can turn...
Top Ten things NEVER to do on a first date !

Top Ten things NEVER to do on a first date !

1. DON’T wear something you don’t feel drop dead gorgeous in. How much fun can you have if you have to monitor how many bites of food because just one more might be the fatal one that bursts the seams on your skintight dress- like the Hoover Dam? And...
Self Confidence Can Be Trained

Self Confidence Can Be Trained

“I get so nervous every time she talks to me.” “I like her but I get tongue tied every time I see her.” “I wish I was like him, he is so cool and knows just what to say around girls.” I’m very sure that by the time you are...
Dating Gimmicks Using Treasure Hunt

Dating Gimmicks Using Treasure Hunt

All set for that great date again ? You must definitely be hoping that this one is better than any of your previous dates, if not as good. How many times do you find yourself falling short of ideas on a date? The answer is that you do on most occasions. More often...
Unwritten Dating Rules

Unwritten Dating Rules

Remember in these days of sexual equality and political correctness, things have been made harder for a woman to judge how you feel about her. Men today often feel that they have their hands tied and don’t know how to make that decisive move, the fear of a loud...