The MYTH about Strip Club – What You Don’t Know
Strip clubs are one of my favorite environments for picking up hot women. You might say they're the ULTIMATE "target-rich environment." Where else are you literally surrounded by beautiful, nearly-naked women...the alcohol is flowing, and most of the girls are...
Nice Guys Finish Last
Have you ever heard that old familiar lament: "Nice Guys Finish Last, Jerks Get Laid?" At first glance, it would seem that is true. There are a lot of Jerks out there who are able to attract tons and tons of women. And there are a lot of Nice Guys who struggle with...
Why don’t women like nice guys ? Why do they like bad boys ?
Contrary to popular opinion, women do like nice guys. What they don't like is guys who let women walk all over them. They don't want a doormat and they don't want a supplicating fool. Women walk all over nice guys because nice guys let them do it. Women want to be...
Office Romance Dating A Co-Workers
Love or any of its elements seem to bloom in any place- even the places you least expect it to grow in. Office romance ? It is not that impossible at all. It is even one of the best venues to search for a prospect life partner since one is more aware of what this...
Build Confidence by Online Dating
Most of us have different levels of confidence. I'm sure you have met a variety of confident types. I'm just as sure, that all of us have had our own confidence shaken once or twice. I know I have. In relationships most of us have different degrees of confidence....
Should you try Online Dating ?
Shirley's quest in finding a suitable partner for marriage seemed impossible. She found the singles scene at clubs to be uncomfortable and her social circle seemed to consist of more married friends with a shrinking amount of singles. Although she had heard of...
How An Ordinary Guy Did Some Extraordinary Things With A Very Beautiful Woman
Hey Guys, A while back someone emailed me a great success story. I saved it on my computer and forgot about it. Last week I was going through my computer and found it. I thought, "Wow! - this is a really great story," and was planning on using it in my last...
Overcoming Shyness
How To Overcome Shyness Step-By-Step Guide by Joseph Matthews >>>Question from a painfully shy guy: Hi Joe, Your newsletters are wonderful. Hats off to you man. The biggest problem I face is loneliness. I like this girl who lives in my apartment building, but...
How To Get The Girl Pay For Date
How To Get HER To Pay For The Date Sounds great, huh? A friend of mine recently pulled this off as they went for a movie date and SHE paid for their tickets. As they sat down, she gave him a $50 bill to go get them something to eat and he could keep the change. It's...