Is She Interested
Dear Ron and David, One of the important lessons that I learned from "how to Succeed with Women" is that the guy must initiate everything with women. That is all fine and good, but are there clear ways of knowing whether or not she is truly interested PRIOR TO...
How To Get Girls To Like You
Dear Ron and David, I feel screwed with a lot in my interactions with women. I often feel like other guys steal or try to steal my women, and that I have to roll over and play dead when a woman is inconsistent or not giving me what I want, instead of standing up for...
Hand Holding To Something More Intense
You've heard the saying that "God is in the details"? Well, so is sex, as it turns out. If you can bring exquisite, detailed attention to even a tiny part of her body, she'll go nuts for more. The mistake most men make is they want to move on to something big, and...
Trying to be Helpful but Getting Cold Shoulders
I'm usually a pretty lonely guy, but I finally met a girl who is perfect. She's a lot younger than me, beautiful, single, and works in my office building (not for our company). We used to meet up a lot in the shared break room, and she told me about how her job is...
Handling Your Resistance To Initiating With Women
Do you ever feel any of these feelings when you try to initiate contact or romance with a woman ? Do you ever: Feel like you are having to fight your way through a brick wall? Feel fear of rejection? Feel doomed with women? Feel helpless before attractive women's...
Giving Up With Women
Sometimes we all feel like giving up. We've had one rejection too many, one failed date too many, and are just plain tired of everything. This is especially a problem when you have bucked yourself up numerous times, gotten back into the game, and STILL get knocked...
Dealing with Girl who Got Boyfriend
The girl I'm hot for has a boyfriend who doesn't fulfill her. She says she loves me, but won't leave him for me. I keep waiting, but it only seems like they are getting closer. Yet she says she is unhappy with him. Whe will she leave him for me ? The answer is...
Getting One Night Stand But Can’t Perform
A lot more men have this going on than you think. They get a woman into bed, and find that their mind seems to want to go faster than their bodies do. Often guys who have this also don't orgasm with women the first time they have sex with them--they need to go at it...
How to Get Women to Approach You
The men who succeed at attracting hot women with little or no effort are the men who follow seduction Fundamental #8: "Be building a life you love, separate from women." These are the men who have gone after what they really wanted in their lives...the rock stars, the...