Let Just Be Friends First
Yes, it is true that women very often ask for "friendship first" when the truth is, once you became a friend, they'd never be interested in you in a million years, ostensibly because they "don't want to wreck the friendship" code for, "You don't turn me on, you're...
Asking Women Romantic Questions
A. Most guys who foul up Romantic Questions do it by leaving out one or more of the key components of the question. A properly asked Romantic Question has three components: The excuse The description The question If you are having problems, you are probably leaving...
Having “Flair” To Attract Woman
Men often ask us, "How can I get women to approach me, or to talk to me?" While there is no single answer, you can make it easier for women to approach you, and make things easier for women whom you approach, by having "flair." Please note, there is a difference...
Attracting Woman Using Status and Strength
There are four major ways that men try to attract woman Status Strength Smartness Sincerity In this article, we will talk about using Status and Strength to seduce woman. Attracting woman using Status Status: The "status" approach is based on the fact that the...
Attracting Women Using Smartness and Sincerity
Last time we started talking about the four ways that men attract women : Status, Strength, Smartness, and Sincerity. We talked about Status and Strength, about how men use being the "alpha male," wealth and power to attract women, and gave some hints about how you...
What Real Alpha Males Don’t Want You to Know
Have you ever seen a group of men competing for a woman's attention? Have you seen them showing off, blocking each other, and generally all trying to be the biggest jerk around? Have you perhaps even been a part of this competition? Then have you ever seen a man who...
Why Lose Weight ?
Do you look in the mirror and you just don't like what you see? An inflatable tube has taken up residence on your waist, and your butt seems to have dropped a couple of inches. You take a look at your face and you start to see the development of a little bit of waddle...
Dating Conversation Topics Examples
I have quite a large number of questions I have banked up that I use often on people. But I won't list all of them here. Besides some of them may not be suitable for me to mention here and I don't want to offend anyone. Common Questions you could ask: How many...
Proper Breathing to Calm Down
Before I begin, this part of the eBook is not for everyone. But if you hyper-ventilate or find it hard to breathe when approaching women, then this part of the book can be of great help to you. When we hyper-ventilate or get really short breathed in anxious times,...