by David Kwan | Dating Advice
One of my favorite things to say to a woman in conversation to seduce her is when she asks me “What do you do in your spare time?”, I tell her “I don’t know if I can tell you this… but I think you’re the type of woman who is open to...
by David Kwan | Dating Advice
Don’t go for young girls, this is obvious. No matter how cute or sexy they are, forget it. If you want a fling ok, if you want long term, move on to someone more mature. Don’t do the Internet dating thing. You’re left to the mercy of #1 the dating...
by David Kwan | Dating Advice
The reverse tractor beam mack was developed by Ron Jule and is probably the best method for reversing a turn down from a chick back into positive ground. This one is great to have on your holster whenever your approach doesn’t go as planned. The main idea is to...
by David Kwan | Dating Advice
Okay guys, allow me to let you in on a dirty little secret of mine; I use a little trick that I don’t mention in Seduction Science in about 40% of my seductions and I use it because I love it and it works. It’s not something I can explain in a single...
by David Kwan | Dating Advice
Hey guys, Today, I want to speak about “chick logic.” Let me tell you right off the bat- IT’S NOT LOGICAL. Kind of like how GREENLAND isn’t green- it’s ICE. An oxymoron if I’ve ever heard one. Now, if you go real deep, to the...
by David Kwan | Dating Advice
Don’t ask her for it. Yes, this doesn’t sound right, does it ? But the best way to get a number (a REAL number) is to not ask but rather structure an opportunity for her to get with you, after you’ve already done the work of fascinating, attracting,...