by Jan D | Dating Mailbags, Dating Tips
Now that the year is almost over and you must have already thought about what you want to do with your love life next year. If you can find a good man at the start of the year, then congratulations as you are on your way of settling down… hopefully! However, finding...
by Jan D | Dating Advice, Dating Mailbags, Love Meter
The holidays are considered as the most wonderful time of the year for all couples. Holding hands with your date as the snow falls gently on the ground is a perfect vision most couples think about during this time. However, the reality of the matter is that dating in...
by David Kwan | Dating Mailbags
Question : I’m working in a retail outlet in the local shopping mall where hundreds of walk-in customers come in everyday (women especially). How do you think is the best way for me to capitalize on this position I’m in to approach the women there without...
by David Kwan | Dating Mailbags
Question : I have just started a university course as a mature age student (I’m 24) and am wondering how I can use this as an advantage to meet women… how to pickup women, too. There are lots of younger girls there and I feel I have an advantage as I have...
by David Kwan | Dating Mailbags
I was recently at a night club, where there happened to be many attractive ladies. I have a good sense of humor and can usually tell what type of person I am dealing with. My problem is that I can never find a good way to approach a strange, attractive women and start...
by David Kwan | Dating Mailbags
Hey guys, I am 34 years old and I messed things up with a girl I like. I know your advice is probably to move on and meet new people, but I live in a small town, and there aren’t many high-class women available. I’ve met many girls since then, but none...