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How To Approach Woman: The Definitive Guide 2020


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4 Ways on How To Attract Women

4 Ways on How To Attract Women

4 Ways How To Attract Woman Attraction usually works for both sides whether you are man or woman. How often do you see a woman who walk up and approach a man whom she’s attracted to? What is the secret behind of making woman to approach you? The answer is woman are...

Men You Should Not Marry For The New Year

Men You Should Not Marry For The New Year

Now that the year is almost over and you must have already thought about what you want to do with your love life next year. If you can find a good man at the start of the year, then congratulations as you are on your way of settling down… hopefully! However, finding...

3 Ways Facebook Can Help Build Your Self-Confidence

3 Ways Facebook Can Help Build Your Self-Confidence

Among many other things in life, self-confidence is one thing that can set you apart and give you the power to conquer the world. It's pretty obvious that the world smiles more at people who project confidence. However, today many people, especially men tend to lack...

Dating Fails & Mistakes to Avoid for the New Year

Dating Fails & Mistakes to Avoid for the New Year

Welcoming the New Year  is like turning a fresh new leaf in the chapter of your life. If you are single, then the New Year can also bring you a lot of new hope in finding love. However, if you have been dating last year but not successful, maybe it is time that you...

5 Dating Tips and Tricks Every Introvert Should Know

5 Dating Tips and Tricks Every Introvert Should Know

There is a general belief that introverts tend to have it rough when it comes to dating. I mean, if you take a look closer look, it seems as though extroverts or outgoing people have a greater level of approval and it's quite common to think that extroverts land all...

How To Avoid Holiday Dating Disaster

How To Avoid Holiday Dating Disaster

The holidays are considered as the most wonderful time of the year for all couples. Holding hands with your date as the snow falls gently on the ground is a perfect vision most couples think about during this time. However, the reality of the matter is that dating in...


How To Tell If She’s Single

Answers To Two Common Questions... I get different variations of two questions so often, that I'm going to address them both quickly. 1) What if she has a boyfriend? MY COMMENTS: Say "Next" and find yourself a woman that doesn't have a boyfriend. I personally don't...

What Women Hate Most About Single Guys

If you listen to a group of attractive, single women talking alone over dinner or drinks, the topic will always turn to MEN. And in most cases, it will eventually turn into a RANT session about how hard it is to find good men to date... Which will lead to a FULL-ON...

What If She Just Wants To Be “Friends”?

Hello, My name is O. i'm 20 years old, living in Cyprus. Actually in my college i got interested to a gal. She was also good with me and many times did something that means, at least for me, she is interested to me too. Recently I got her mobile number and i called...

How Men Try To Get A Woman’s Attention

Hi Dave, I just bought the advanced CD series & it's amazing what a difference they make over the book. Being able to listen on the way to work, whilst out doing chores, etc. is cool. I can feel the confidence building inside me, it's like my own personal coach....

How To Tell A Woman That You Like Her

I have recently started to like this girl a lot. We hang out almost everyday, and everybody that is around us say that we act like we are going out. We flirt all of the time, but i don't want to be the one that admits that i like her first. I have also become really...


Initial Conversations With Women, Not Being A Wussy, And Other Gems ... By David DeAngelo *** SUCCESS STORY: Hey Dave, Just wanted to drop you a line on how my personal story has been going since I started doing things "your way". I have checked every "girl strategy"...