by Jan D | Pick Up Girls, Seduction Tips
Didn’t you know that you can turn on a girl and make her go to bed with you with just a mere touch? Most guys believe that touch is a part of sexual interaction. However, the reality is that there is more touch than sex. In its purest form, a simple touch is an...
by David Kwan | Seduction Tips
Remember, most of the time women decide in the first few minutes whether you are going to be a potential lover or a lowly friend. The best way to become a lover is to stay out of the “friend” category in the first place, rather than trying to get out of it...
by David Kwan | Seduction Tips
These are critical if you are to get out of the “Friend” zone and into the “Potential Lover” category with any woman : Smiling. You must smile. You probably think you smile now, but you don’t, really. You should practice your smile in the...
by David Kwan | Seduction Tips
We never suggest pushing a woman, trying to “talk her into liking you,” or becoming submissive and acting like a supplicant “so she’ll like you.” We are against giving things you don’t want to give or doing things you don’t...
by David Kwan | Seduction Tips
Have you ever had a woman you were interested in say “Oh, I’m not dating right now”? You’ve probably been blown off with that very statement, and felt small and powerless. How could she be so powerful as to choose to not date ? Would you ever...
by David Kwan | Seduction Tips
In our new book, “How to Talk to Women,” we extensively discuss specific flirting skills and conversational techniques you must use with women if you want them to think of you as potential romantic material. We talk about interrupting women, Deepening,...