by David Kwan | Seduction Tips
Q. I always seem to stumble when I try to have conversations with women. What should I do ? A. Many, many men have this problem. Fortunately, there are a few traits you can develop in yourself that will help you converse with women: – Curiosity. Curiosity...
by David Kwan | Seduction Tips
As we mentioned last week, an interview with us is running in the February 2003 issue of the Japanese edition of Playboy. If you don’t speak Japanese, or don’t have immediate access to that publication, here are a few of the questions they asked us, and...
by David Kwan | Seduction Tips
Here’s an example of a real exchange we recently had with one of our readers his problem, the advice we gave, and the result he emailed back to us. Hey guys, I’m 27, and I have a problem with a woman. She’s in her 40’s but, she looks like...
by David Kwan | Seduction Tips
As you know, we believe there is no point in misleading a woman. It makes you feel bad about yourself as a man, and is difficult to do well, anyway. Having said that, then, what should you do? We believe you should tell a woman the truth, but the intensity of the...
by David Kwan | Seduction Tips
In recent newsletters, we’ve touched on the idea that “trying too hard” is one of the things that many men do that actually lowers their success with women. We’ve recently had some men write to us, asking us for some tips on trying less hard...
by David Kwan | Seduction Tips
Asking a woman for a date, for her phone number, or for her email address is always risky. You are having a hard time figuring out how big a risk you must take, and how quickly you must take it. Because you can’t tell how much you should risk and how quickly you...