by David Kwan | Seduction Tips
In creating a life we want, there are always bumps on the road along the way. There is rejection, turmoil and the feeling that we lack the skill and confidence to really succeed with women. Have you ever noticed that when we beat up on ourselves and feel badly about...
by David Kwan | Seduction Tips
Dear Ron and David, I feel screwed with a lot in my interactions with women. I often feel like other guys steal or try to steal my women, and that I have to roll over and play dead when a woman is inconsistent or not giving me what I want, instead of standing up for...
by David Kwan | Seduction Tips
You probably decided what league you were in during high school. If you got a hot girl (by sheer chance, mostly), then you decided you were in the “hot chick” league, and that is what you went for, what you expected, and what you got from then on. If you...
by David Kwan | Seduction Tips
Remember, most of the time women decide in the first few minutes whether you are going to be a potential lover or a lowly friend. The best way to become a lover is to stay out of the “friend” category in the first place, rather than trying to get out of it...
by David Kwan | Seduction Tips
First, you wait only fifteen minutes for her to arrive. If you are still there when she arrives twenty, thirty, or forty minutes later, all you are doing is showing her that you are a worm who will still be there for her, no matter how she treats you. If she shows up...
by David Kwan | Seduction Tips
Dear Ron and David, One of the important lessons that I learned from “how to Succeed with Women” is that the guy must initiate everything with women. That is all fine and good, but are there clear ways of knowing whether or not she is truly interested...