by David Kwan | Seduction Tips
You’ve heard the saying that “God is in the details”? Well, so is sex, as it turns out. If you can bring exquisite, detailed attention to even a tiny part of her body, she’ll go nuts for more. The mistake most men make is they want to move...
by David Kwan | Seduction Tips
In creating a life we want, there are always bumps on the road along the way. There is rejection, turmoil and the feeling that we lack the skill and confidence to really succeed with women. Have you ever noticed that when we beat up on ourselves and feel badly about...
by David Kwan | Seduction Tips
Dear Ron and David, I feel screwed with a lot in my interactions with women. I often feel like other guys steal or try to steal my women, and that I have to roll over and play dead when a woman is inconsistent or not giving me what I want, instead of standing up for...
by David Kwan | Seduction Tips
Have you ever seen a group of men competing for a woman’s attention? Have you seen them showing off, blocking each other, and generally all trying to be the biggest jerk around? Have you perhaps even been a part of this competition? Then have you ever seen a man...
by David Kwan | Seduction Tips
A. Most guys who foul up Romantic Questions do it by leaving out one or more of the key components of the question. A properly asked Romantic Question has three components: The excuse The description The question If you are having problems, you are probably leaving...
by David Kwan | Seduction Tips
Men often ask us, “How can I get women to approach me, or to talk to me?” While there is no single answer, you can make it easier for women to approach you, and make things easier for women whom you approach, by having “flair.” Please note,...