Here’s a rule to live by in dating and seduction :
Women will give you what you want when you give them enough of what THEY want.
Women DO need to feel UNIQUE. They must feel that you are addressing their personal uniqueness before they will go further with you. If they sense that you are treating them as an object – or just plain COMMON – they will back off and disappear.
How do you make them feel unique ?
- Focus your attention on THEM. Not on the waitress’ 38DD rack. Not on the booty of that cutie. Not on anything but HER. (Just don’t turn your Manson-lamps on and give her a freaky psycho stare. Make it clear that SHE is important enough to warrant your focus of attention.)
- Use her name. The most important word in the world to anyone is their own name. Use it. It’s commanding and personal, and it works wonders with women.
- Express an interest in things that are particular to HER. Her family, her background, her interests. Just don’t go crazy with your questioning. Lean back and find one topic she seems to be especially excited about, and then pounce on that one.
(I’m going to recommend a book here that most people have heard of but few appreciate: Dale Carnegie’s – HOW TO WIN FRIENDS AND INFLUENCE PEOPLE. It’s old, but it’s a must-read.)
Let me state the cardinal rule: To gain trust – BE TRUSTABLE. It starts with your integrity. Don’t expect women to fall into bed with you if you’re being devious. Start with your own character.
Women want you to make them feel special, and if you do that right – with sincerity, she’ll never question whether or not you are trying to play her. Start with a sincere interest in other people, and you will have no problem making her feel like opening up to you.
Which leads me to this: You know that women are getting more and more picky about men, and they can sniff out inferior guys with just a whiff of your confidence. And to stand out you MUST have the edge on the other guys out there. You need to be a REAL MAN, not this sissie-fied cartoon man that the media sells you.
Contributed by Carlos Xuma
THE DATING BLACK BOOK has the complete breakdown of the dating scene, and it’s ready for download right now, no matter where you are or what time it is in the world.