Mystery Method’s VAH handbook rocks ! | ![]() |
It tells you everything you need to know about dating, love and seduction.
The author “Mystery” (the ‘MAN’ in the Dating Game) has packaged all his killer strategies and extensive knowledge of the art of love into this comprehensive “tell-all” manual.
Although there are tons of material out there that attempt to explain the complexities of men – women relationships, only Mystery’s Venusian Arts Handbook has it all… and more.
The Mystery Method
Essentially, this book ties all the bits and pieces of the puzzle together to form a system that has become known as the “Mystery Method”. If you are one of those guys who has been out of luck with women, and dream of being surrounded by droves of women, then owning and studying this book is a must !
The manual kicks off with a scientific explanation of the reasons, or rather the need, for attracting and seducing women. I find this approach rather refreshing as it’s a point of view from a different angle on the search to find love.
It takes an evolutionary explanation on the necessity of men-women relationships by comparing the modern day man with the Neanderthals, stating that the Law of Nature dictates that we procreate to ensure that our genes are carried on to the future generations and one of the ways of ensuring procreation is to have a relationship with a woman.
On a subconscious level, these ancient instinctive drives still influence us today and it is to your advantage to learn them and use them to attract any woman you desire.
The highlight of this book is definitely the M3 model. It’s a time phase sequential model that breaks down the phases of seduction.
What pray tell is so unique about a time phase model? The beauty of such a model is that it literally tells you how and when to move from one point to the next as you follow the model.
I am very sure that the situation I’m going to describe below has been experienced by you at some point in your interaction with women.
Take for instance, the very first time you approach a woman that catches your fancy, after the initial introduction, you’d wonder if that is the time to exit or should you continue to make conversation?
As in a first date, do you kiss her good night or should the kiss wait? Sounds familiar? That’s the kind of snag the M3 model helps you to avoid.
Basically as graphically presented in the handbook, M3 model is made up of 3 phases that describes the courtship process in detail.
Well presented visually with very detailed description, you can do no wrong by sticking to this model. It gives you a very good foundation of how to get the ball rolling in the first part of the Attraction phase, A1 with its key concept; the negs and 3 second rule.
These powerful concepts takes a while getting used to but when you have it ingrained in your system, you can see the effectiveness of the method.
The second Attraction phase or A2 is where you build a web of interest from women to man; meaning you have to push up her interest in you a few notches. This is on all intents and purpose meant to block out competition and keep her focused on you and only you. The tools outlined here are tried and tested by men the world over and has been know to be a huge success!
Last but not least, after securing her unwavering interest, you’d have to validate her interest in you by letting her know that both of you are mutually attracted to each other.
This is A3, the last phase of Attraction. Establishing the understanding of mutual attraction is important to prevent the A2 exercise by backfiring, giving her the impression that she was led on.
Interestingly, the handbook does not stop here; it coaches you on the comfort and seduction stages that eventually lead to sex.
Sounds technical I know – but trust me, it works like crazy!
To wrap it up, this handbook is ‘the’ manual to understanding women. I believe that at some point in your love life (or the lack of one), you’ve lamented that women are such complex creatures that are IMPOSSIBLE to understand.
But fret no more.
With this handbook as your guide, gone will be the days where you hesitate and flounder in your relationship with the opposite sex.
Because to put it simply, you are in the controllers seat from the start, so you determine the course of the interaction!
So, Irrespective of whether you are new in the game of love or a veteran, go out and get a copy of this handbook and unravel the mystery of the creature called – “woman”!
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