Just as men are drawn to FEMININE women, women are drawn to men who EXUDE overflowing masculinity.
What is MASCULINITY? It’s about being ULTRA comfortable with yourself and not needing the approval of ANYONE.
Maybe that’s where the mystique of the LONE male hero came from.
That’s why the “lone stranger” who comes to town is sexy.
Women, on the other hand, are EXTREMELY concerned about what their friends think etc.
A REAL MAN does what he feels and is COMFORTABLE with it. He doesn’t need everyone to give him approval to feel good. He is a LEADER, not a follower. He SETS the trend, doesn’t follow it.
The IRONY of the situation is that the majority of men have been brought up since childhood to be the OPPOSITE OF MASCULINE, TO BE WEAK and timid and approval seeking, And to especially be this way with WOMEN!
It’s almost as if men were taught that women LIKED it when men did whatever they want, when in reality, MOST women HATE it.
That doesn’t mean to treat women badly, but it ABSOLUTELY means to never kiss up to a woman simply because she is a woman.
If you are interacting with a woman you’ve just met, CHILL OUT and just BE THE MAN.
Listen, if you are really THE MAN, then you KNOW there are tons of women out there, there is no need to be NEEDY. For the moment, FORGET about getting her email, or even the possibilities about going out with her. Let’s see first if SHE is any FUN to be with, if SHE has got a decent personality, if SHE is up to YOUR standards.
AFTER you’ve had some fun chatting with her, if you feel that SHE is worth your time, go for her email or for a coffee, etc.
One of the first lessons I learned while on my journey to understanding how to be successful with women was when I decided that even though all the guys around me were kissing up to women, I had had enough of the games. At the time, I had no good role models in this arena, so I had to think for myself.
My conclusion was that I’d actually rather have NO RELATIONSHIP than have a woman who didn’t respect me, etc. I had reached this point after being in a horrible relationship. So with that mindset, I was suddenly empowered. If a woman wasn’t up to my standard, SHE got ejected, and I’m talking FAST. I had no fear about going up to women, since I was pretty sure that statistically, they probably were going to be REJECTED by ME based on their behaviors.
Pretty soon, I had a lot of dates with a lot of hot women. But unlike most guys who would’ve been THRILLED, I was pretty detached from the whole thing since I had high standards and knew that I would be rejecting most of them.
In other words, the fact that hot women wanted to go out with me was not enough. I wanted QUALITY.
So for example, I hate smoke. If a woman was a smoker, I tossed her out. I’m talking like in middle of the date. Right there, at the coffee table, if she started smoking, I just told her very calmly and casually “this isn’t going to work”. Usually, they smiled and laughed and put out the cigarrette. But on the drive home, I mentioned again “this isn’t going to work”. Suddenly, I would have a HOT WOMAN GIVING ME A DISSERTATION ON WHY I SHOULD GIVE HER A CHANCE TO BE WITH ME.
Now, just a few months before, these same women hardly gave me the time of day. I suddenly became a CHALLENGE.
The point of my anecdote is that you have to be THE MAN. THE MAN doesn’t just take whatever comes his way. He has some pride in his own standards and doesn’t ask “how high?” when women say “jump”.
If you are having a good time, and not kissing up, you actually are conveying MASSIVE INTRINSIC VALUE, because most guys are kissing up and getting all nervous and you can tell they are not having a good time at all.
Even though the reality is that a nervous guy might really be a totally amazing guy once you get to know him, the women WILL NOT give him a chance. They’ll just feel he’s unsexy.
One of the biggest signs of INTRINSIC WORTH, and therefore of sexiness, is NOT NEEDING ANYTHING. And I mean PSYCHOLOGICALLY.
I know PLENTY of MILLIONAIRES that actually seem very needy when it comes to women- so the bottom line is that they are actually giving off the vibe of LOW VALUE!!
Money is almost USELESS when it comes to turning women ON.
And throwing money at women usually just makes women think you are trying to compensate for some lack of sexiness.
So, HAVE A GOOD TIME. How do you have a good time? BY NOT GIVING A DAMN ABOUT EMAILS, NUMBERS, OR EVEN HAVING A RELATIONSHIP with the woman in front of you that you’ve just met.
Yeah, yah, I know all that talk about relationships from women- it’s all BOGUS from a certain point of view. It’s BOGUS from the standpoint of guys who think women AUTOMATICALLY want relationships.
I’m not saying they don’t enjoy relationships, women do, just like men, but they want relationships with guys who aren’t DESPERATE to get into one.
You feeling me here?
And it actually makes sense from a woman’s point of view. “If this guy is having such a good time just chatting, and he’s having fun, and he’s not kissing my ass, and he’s teasing me, then he must have a HELL OF A LOT OF OPTIONS in terms of women”
This makes the guy seem SEXUALLY DESIRABLE, since it seems he has many women already, and those women can’t all be wrong, right?
You see, it’s not really logical. In reality, most of the guys who know how to act this way are actually TERRIBLE choices for women.
They end up causing these women massive heartache.
We can’t change this reality, but you can learn the LANGUAGE through which women feel emotions, so that YOU can give women the same emotions that the “con-artists” give- except that in your case, when she is nuts about you, it will actually be a GOOD decision on her part!
FORGET TRYING TO EXPLAIN TO A WOMAN why some guy is a jerk or why this or why that or why she should do this or that.
Learn the LANGUAGE of a woman’s emotions. I have some good news: This language is easier to learn than you might think, since it is based mostly on unleashing the masculine behaviors you were born with, but were told not to rely on.
The reality is you SHOULD rely on them- go out with TONS of hot women, don’t get emotional with women, be emotionally tough, don’t get caught up in a woman’s drama, and so much more.
If you want to regain your NATURAL INSTINCTS as a man and learn the LANGUAGE that women understand on the EMOTIONAL level (the most IMPORTANT level), then I seriously recommend you download my eBook, The Dating Wizard: Secrets to Success with Women.
My book will serve as the foundation for everything you need to know to start becoming MASSIVELY successful with women.
Think of the information in the book as ROCKET FUEL.
You have two choices in this world: Learn through trial and error, and maybe never get anywhere, or you can read my book and go at the speed of LIGHT.
Use it to get LIGHT YEARS ahead of the pack.
The book explains how to approach women and get emails, numbers, and dates instantly. I explain how to KEEP women attracted to you and even how to succeed at relationships if after meeting many women you find a woman you think may be worth it.
And yes, absolutely, it comes with a guarantee. Try it now for 30 days and if you are not completely satisfied within that time, just email me and I’ll give you a refund. It’s that simple.
Also, with the book comes FULL SUPPORT. If you a question about any of the material that you read, I will answer it by email within 24 hours.
You can start using the concepts NOW by downloading the book
Contributed by Michael W, TheDatingWizard