About a week ago I took a poll asking “How did you meet the last woman that you dated?” 479 men responded (thanks again to those who did). The breakdown was as follows:
No surprises there, right?
Meeting a woman “while out” is such a broad, inclusive category (covering everything from work, school, bars, church, etc.) that it’s bound to encompass a majority of the votes. It’s not very often you meet a woman while staying in and watching TV so this category was a shoe in for the largest percentage of votes.
This is a little bit more surprising.
Notice how (relatively) few men met their last “date” through the heavily-marketed and often-used dating services (such as online dating and phone dating). These approaches have thier place, they are mildly effective and useful (though not so effective as marketers might have us believe).
But, I think there is something more effective, much cheaper, and a lot more fun…
This is EXACTLY what I suspected (I’m not talking about friends setting each other up on blind dates).
What is the advice you always hear about meeting and picking up women from dating experts, your mom, and, even your buddies?
“If you want to meet women you have to go out and find them. Go to places where there are lots of women (like bars and nightclubs). When you find a woman, start up a conversation, get her number, and give her a call a few days later.”
This is what we have pounded into our heads, this is what we tell ourselves we have to do, this is what we try to do.
But, lo and behold, sneaking in the backdoor completely unnoticed we have what proves to be one of the most effective ways to meet women:
Now, stick around and read the rest of this because I’m about to explain why this approach to meeting women is so far superior to every other strategy that you probably won’t want to use anything else from now on. I’ll also show you how you can use this strategy to (literally) exponentially increase the number of women you meet.
So, let’s break this down real quick…
Men are meeting a disproportionately large number of dateable women through their friends without even consciously focusing on this approach as a “meet women and pick up chicks” method. What on earth is going on? Why is this so powerful?
I’m sure you’ve heard of the six degrees of separation. Supposedly, you are connected to anyone else in the US through about six other people. More or less, this just puts a number on the idea that together we all form a very close knit social network.
When you make a friend you open yourself up to all their friends. When you make friends with a friend of your friend… well, you get the idea. You can see how your social network multiplies with very little effort on your part. Statistically speaking, a lot of those new contacts (theoretically, half) are bound to be women.
This is all well and good but exposing yourself to lots of people doesn’t necessarily guarantee success (just look at how much lower the numbers are for dating services that expose you to approximately THOUSANDS OF SINGLE WOMEN ).
So, the magic doesn’t lie in the numbers. The power, perhaps, but not the magic.
What truly makes this effective is the massive influence of a little thing called RAPPORT.
Quick marketing lesson…
Rapport is basically trust or a feeling of compatibility between people. Obviously, friends are friends for the simple fact that they have considerable rapport with one another. Corporations exploit this (ever heard of Tupperware parties?) and make BILLIONS and BILLIONS of dollars each year.
When a friend says to another friend “Hey, this Tupperware makes the coolest “Pfft” sound you ever heard and keeps my lettuce so fresh, so crisp, and so green… it’s just fabulous. You’ve GOT to get you some.”
That person is 10, no 100 times more likely to buy that Tupperware than if Kriss Cloninger III (director of Tupperware Corporation) got on the TV and said the exact same thing.
The Tupperware Corporation “borrows” the rapport that friends have for one another and uses it to sell massive quantities of food storage containers.
Rapport can sell more than products, it allows you to sell yourself. For our purposes, to WOMEN.
When you make a friend you “borrow” his rapport that he has with his lady friends. You get instant rapport that you don’t even have to work for. Any good things he says about you are just an additional bonus that tip the scales even further in your favor. In effect, it’s almost like she feels like she already knows you.
No barriers to break down, no embarrassing rejections, no resistance to getting to know “a complete stranger”… you aren’t a stranger, you know “Dave.”
There is NO substitute for it.
Just to review…
Meeting women through friends is powerful because of networking (you can open yourself up to large numbers of new women through just a few new friends). Meeting women through friends works because of rapport.
I’m sure you know how to make friends but I want to present you with an actionable plan you can use immediately…
Start hanging out with friend’s of friends. You know, not your close friends that you always hang out with, the other people that you occasionally see. Chances are only a small segment of your social realms overlap and you’ll have a whole new crop of women to get to know.
It doesn’t even matter if these friends are guys (in fact, the survey indicated that you are a little MORE likely to date a woman that you met through a MALE friend than a FEMALE friend).
From there, just keep branching out. Soon everyone will know you, you’ll always be doing something, and you’ll have a huge well of women to tap into whenever you want.
In conclusion I’d just like to point out that, to my knowledge, their isn’t a downside to this technique. Rather…
- your social life and popularity improve dramatically
- you don’t waste money or time on dating services
- you don’t have to do “cold approaches” on women you don’t know
- you don’t spend money on “dead end” women
- you can get the inside scoop on a woman before dating her
- when you are out you can relax and focus on having fun
Sure beats joining a pottery class or going to a lame singles dance. 😉
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Talk to you later,
Author of “The DateSTACKER Program”
Read my review on Datestacker Program