As you’ll know , girls can be very awkward about this. The reason is that , to a girl , giving out her ‘phone number is usually a COMMITMENT – not just an opportunity .
Here are some methods you can use if you can’t ask for it outright. All of them work MUCH BETTER if you use them BEFORE you have asked for her number and been turned down :-
Ask for her work number. This is much less of a commitment.
Ask for her work number by showing interest in what she does and telling her you might be a customer. Or, have a friend who might be a customer .
Talk to her. Find out about a problem she has. Offer to solve it for her. Get her number so you can ring her when you have found the answer .
Find out her surname and roughly where she lives with questions that are obviously wrong like ‘You’re Jane Smith aren’t you?’ and ‘I have a friend who lives near you.. Make up these names if you have to. Girls don’t often turn down a chance to put you right. (Then look her up in the phone book.)
Ask her friends. ( They won’t turn down a chance to play matchmaker )
OR – why not give her YOUR number. A lot of girls turn down chat-ups but then regret it later when they’ve had a chance to think about it! Again, giving her your work number (but accidentally give her your home number instead) can be a good idea because she’ll find it much less of a commitment ringing that.
Next : How to Deal With Those Hard-to-Get Girls
Special thanks to Kevin Gaynor for his valuable contribution
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