Again, make sure YOU suggest that the time has arrived for a closer relationship. Maybe you have been afraid to do this before, but you should try it next time. If she does want you, she’ll admire your confidence. (Even if she’s bold enough to suggest it, you’ll have missed a chance to impress her.)

It makes all the difference if you tell her that you want to MAKE LOVE to her. NEVER, EVER tell her you want to HAVE SEX with her. ‘Make love’ was the best phrase ever invented when it comes to seducing girls because, to them, love is more important than sex.

Watch her reaction carefully. She’s NOT READY if she says no, pulls away, or makes ANY excuse to get away. You’ll know she’s ready if she looks at you, then looks away, perhaps with some embarrassment, smiles, giggles, kisses or hugs you tight. The very mention of sex should turn her on at this stage and if it doesn’t there’s obviously something wrong.

Next : How to Use Her Curiosity to Make A Hard-to-Get Girl Yours

Special thanks to Kevin Gaynor for his valuable contribution

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